LD 脉冲泵浦被动调Q 窄脉冲大能量全固态激光器

Passively Q-switched narrow-pulse high-energy all solid-state lasers pumped by LD pulse

  • 摘要: 利用Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG 键合微片激光晶体研制了被动调Q 大能量窄脉冲的全固态激光器,激光器采用脉冲激光二极管泵浦方式,设计了本振级和两级放大结构,分析了激光器系统的自激振荡和其抑制方法,在激光器本振级获得稳定脉冲激光输出的基础上,当两级放大器泵浦电流分别为83A 和85 A 时,获得了最大单脉冲输出能量为120 mJ,脉冲宽度为1.28 ns 的1 064 nm 激光输出,激光通过倍频后可得到65 mJ 的532 nm 绿光输出,其窄脉宽和高光束质量特性可为飞秒激光器啁啾放大提供良好的泵浦源。


    Abstract: Nd:YAG/Cr4+:YAG bonding microchip laser crystal was used to develop a passively Q-switched high pulse energy narrow pulse all solid state laser. The pulse laser diode (LD) pump was used in this all solid state laser. The structure of oscillator and twice amplifications were designed. Besides, the self-excited oscillation and the restraining method were also analyzed. On the basis of stable oscillator laser output, the 1 064 nm output laser was obtained when the electric current of twice amplifications were 83 A and 85 A, respectively. The maximum single pulse output energy of the output laser was 120 mJ and the pulse width of the output laser was 1.28 ns. A green laser which the single pulse output energy was 65 mJ and the wavelength was 532 nm was obtained by the method of frequency doubling. The characters of narrow pulse and high beam quality can be used to provide a good pumping sources for the femtosecond lasers chirped pulse amplification.


