利用MATLAB 进行焦平面探测器的In 柱高度自动统计

Statistics of indium bump height of focal plane detectors by MATLAB

  • 摘要: In 柱制备是红外焦平面器件倒焊互连的关键工艺,In 柱高度是评价In 柱制备工艺水平的基本指标。通常的In 柱高度统计方法为随机采样人工显微镜观测法,此方法由于采样点较少将导致统计结果不全面,另一方面由于In 柱表面形貌的微观特性,人工显微镜观测引入的主观偏差将使统计结果不准确。提出了一种更合理可行的In 柱高度统计方法,首先使用激光共聚焦显微镜对In 柱表面形貌进行扫描,再利用MATLAB 软件对扫描数据进行分析以统计In 柱高度,分析时考虑In 柱表面微观形貌对In 柱高度的影响。利用此方法对1616 面阵的红外焦平面器件读出电路进行了In 柱高度统计,统计结果优于随机采样人工显微镜观测法。为评价In 柱制备工艺水平提供了更客观准确的 In 柱高度数据。


    Abstract: Indium bump fabrication is a key step of infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPAs) process with flip-chip bonding between sensor chip and Si readout integrated circuits (ROICs), and indium bump height is an important factor of indium bump fabrication quality. The usual method for indium bump height statistics is manual observation of the randomly picked indium bump by microscope. However, it can't comprehensively reflect the true situation for the lack of enough samples. On the other hand, the subjectivity of manual observation makes the statistical results inaccurate. In this paper, an improved method of the statistics of indium bump height was stated. First, the confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was used to scan the surface morphology of the indium bump arrays, then, MATLAB was used to work out the specific indium bump heights by analyzing the data CLSM scanned, when concerning the morphology's influence on the calculation of indium bumps. A real statistic of 1616 format ROIC was done, and the result was better than manual observation. It can provide indium height data with great accuracy for evaluating the indium fabrication quality by using this method.


