基于改进Mean-Shift 算法的红外小目标跟踪

Tracking of infrared small-target based on improved Mean-Shift algorithm

  • 摘要: 复杂背景下的红外小目标跟踪在目标跟踪领域一直是重要的研究方向。由于小目标体量小、 机动性大,而红外图像大多受到严重的背景噪声和热噪声影响,使得针对红外小目标的跟踪大多出错率高,鲁棒性不强。针对红外小目标的跟踪,提出了一种改进的Mean-Shift 算法。结合图像的统计特性,提出了一种自适应非线性算法对图像进行处理;同时融合了图像的梯度直方图对目标进行描述。实验通过对高强度噪声和高遮挡环境下视频目标进行跟踪,比较了传统Mean-Shift 算法和改进后算法的跟踪效果,结果显示文中提出的改进算法不但可以有效地跟踪目标,而且大幅降低了跟踪窗口与目标之间的相对抖动,增强了跟踪算法的鲁棒性。


    Abstract: Small-target tracking in infrared imagery with a complex background is always an important task in object tracking fields. Small and manoeuvrable objects in complex clutter and highly noised background usually results in serious false alarm in target tarking for low contrast of infrared imagery. An improved Mean-Shift algorithm to handle the influnce of complex background during tracking the smalltarget in infrared imagery was proposed. This work proposed an adaptive nonlinear machine to help Mean-Shift algorithm to get stable histogram of the interesting areas. This machine expanded the imformation of object histogram refer to the mean value of tracking window, as well as reduced the noise part of tracking window refer to the standard deviation of it. At the same time, algorithm fused the histograms of gradient with histogram of gray-value to discribe the target. To validate the effection of the proposed algorithm, the last part conduct a series tracking experiments which choose highly noised and clutered videos as their candidates. The comparison of the tracking results between tradtional Mean-Shift algotithm and improved Mean-Shift algorithm shows that the proposed algorithm has a more accurate tracking effection. Further more the proposed algorithm highly reduced the wobbleing between small-target and tracking window. This indicates that the improved algorithm achieved more robustness.


