空间相机反射镜SiC/Al 支撑板轻量化结构优化设计

Lightweight structure design for SiC/Al supporting plate of space mirror

  • 摘要: 在保证空间光学遥感相机反射镜组件结构刚度、位置精度、面形精度的同时,最大限度地降低反射镜支撑板的质量,是轻量化设计的一个重要内容。提出了通过拓扑优化确定反射镜用SiC/Al 材料的背部支撑板轻量化形式的方案。采用有限元分析法对获得的优化结果进行分析。分析结果表明: 重力载荷下面形精度达到/10 PV,/50 RMS(=632.8 nm),PV 值13.3 nm,RMS 值2.9 nm,反射镜组件一阶固有频率239 Hz,均优于传统结构形式的反射镜。拓扑优化的方法获得的轻量化背部支撑板能够满足使用要求。


    Abstract: To meet the requirements of high location accuracy and surface figure accuracy for space mirror set, reducing support weight extremely at the same time becomes the new important research subject in most countries. A topological optimization design for a space mirror support lightweight was presented in this paper. By using finite element analysis technique, the static stiffness of the mirror was analyzed. The analysis results show that the surface accuracy reaches /10 PV, /50 RMS (=632.8 nm) under gravity load, PV value is 13.3 nm, RMS values is 2.9 nm, the mirror component first-order natural frequency is 239 Hz, which is better than traditional structure forms of mirrors, and can meet the application requirements.


