基于时域光谱系统的太赫兹圆柱RCS 测量

RCS measurement of cylinders in terahertz band based on the time-domain spectroscopy system

  • 摘要: 雷达散射截面(RCS)测量对于太赫兹雷达系统论证设计具有重要意义。详细描述了时域光谱(TDS)系统测量RCS 的原理,以及实验方案的设计。基于TDS 系统对太赫兹频段圆柱RCS 进行了测量实验,获得光滑和粗糙圆柱在太赫兹频段下的回波,对光滑圆柱回波进行傅里叶变换得到其宽带 RCS,与理想圆柱RCS 的物理光学解进行比较,发现RCS 理论值与测量值基本一致,验证了TDS 系统可用于太赫兹频段目标RCS 的测量;同时将光滑圆柱和粗糙圆柱的RCS 测量值进行对比分析,结果表明:太赫兹频率越高,粗糙面对RCS 的影响越大,粗糙度大于八分之一波长为粗糙面的传统定义须重新考虑。


    Abstract: Radar cross section(RCS) measurement is of great significance to terahertz(THz) radar system design. Firstly, the principle and experimental design of RCS measurement based on time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) system were introduced. Secondly, by using TDS system, the time-domain echo of smooth and rough cylinder were obtained. The measured RCS value can be given after Fourier transform. Compared the measured value with the physical optics solution of the same size cylinder, the results shows that calculation and measurement have the same result which prove the TDS system can be used to measure RCS in terahertz band. Finally, comparison of measured RCS value between the smooth and rough cylinder indicates that the higher frequency, the greater impact of rough surface on RCS in terahertz band, and the traditional definition of rough surfaces which roughness more than one eight of the wavelength is not suitable any more.


