
Design and simulation of all-fiber ytterbium doped passively mode-locked laser with dispersion control

  • 摘要: 设计了一种能够输出超短脉冲作为激光种子源的全光纤掺镱被动锁模光纤激光器,并对其进行了数值仿真。为了得到满足设计要求的超短脉冲,使用了被动锁模技术和色散补偿技术。利用非线性偏振旋转技术实现被动锁模,并在环形腔中引入全固态光子带隙光纤对腔中的正色散进行补偿。通过仿真及优化,获得了脉宽为0.7 ps,能量为0.89 nJ 的脉冲序列。仿真结果表明,使用被动锁模技术和色散补偿技术有利于得到满足作为激光种子源设计要求的超短脉冲。


    Abstract: The design and simulation of an all-fiber ytterbium doped passively mode-locked fiber laser were presented which generated ultrashort pulses as the laser seed. The passive mode -locking was achieved by using the nonlinear polarization technology, and the normal dispersion was compensated by the all solid photonic bandgap fiber. As a result of the simulation and optimization, the ytterbium doped fiber laser generated the 0.7 ps pulses with 0.89 nJ energy. The simulation results suggest that the passive mode -locking method and the dispersion compensation method are useful for achieving the ultrashort pulses which meet the requirements to be the laser seed.


