
Sea wa-field electromagnetic environment forecasting method

  • 摘要: 海战场复杂电磁环境预测可真实地反映战场电磁环境态势情况,对指挥员的科学决策具有重要意义。针对海战场电磁环境复杂、受自然及人为因素影响多等特点,该文综合考虑海战场辐射源模型及电波传播影响因素,基于电波传播的抛物方程模型,提出了一种海战场电磁环境预测方法,基于该预测方法在给定的海战场电磁环境中进行了仿真。仿真结果表明:预测结果与基于Longle-Rice模型的预测结果十分接近,能够有效地反映海战场特定位置处的电磁环境强度,该系统可为海战场作战指挥、决策提供指导。


    Abstract: It is all well known that war-field electromagnetic environment forecasting is important and necessary for the electromagnetic environment reflection of modern warfare vividly, which is significant for commanders' science decision. And we all know sea war-field electromagnetic environment that affected by natural and human factors is complex and dynamic. In this article, the prediction technology and the forecasting method of sea war-field electromagnetic environment were mainly discussed. What's more, that the forecasts system for sea war-field electromagnetic environment analysis was proposed based on the parabolic wave propagation model, after combining radiation models and factors which were affected wave propagation. Then, under the given sea battlefield electromagnetic environment a lot of simulation was done. The simulation results is closely to the results based on the model of Longley-Rice, and show that the electromagnetic environment forecasting method can effectively reflect the strength of electromagnetic environment of the specific location in the sea war-field, and provide guidance for commander.


