
Maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic panel based on FPGA

  • 摘要: 在光伏电池板的最大功率跟踪方法中,扰动观察法是最易于实现的方法,但要快速、准确地跟踪,效率不高,而采用从最大功率点附近开始跟踪的模糊控制步长扰动方法就可以改善这种情况。由于现场可编程门阵列具有成本低、设计灵活的特点,以Cyclone II系列的EP2C8Q208C8N控制芯片为核心,采用先按照要求整体设计控制系统框架,再将其分成各个小部分逐个实现它们的功能,最后连接所有经过验证的部分作为整体仿真验证输出结果的思路,可以实现对最大功率快速、有效的跟踪。


    Abstract: Perturbation observation is the simplest method in the maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic panel. But the method can not track the Maximum Power Point(MPP) quickly and exactly. This condition can be modified using perturbation observation method with fuzzy theory deciding the step size. Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) has the advantages of low cost and flexible design, so the EP2C8Q208C8N of Cyclone II was chosen to be the core of control system. According to the scheme, after the whole control system was built and the functions of divided parts were accomplished, the entire system that consists of designed parts was simulated to ensure that the design is correct. As can be seen from the results, the MPP is tracked quickly and efficiently in the present designed system.


