
Infrared and visible images fusion method based on gradient weighted

  • 摘要: 针对可见光和红外图像融合问题,提出一种有效的融合方法。首先,将多尺度分解后的高频系数分为高低两层,并针对各层系数的特点,分别采用基于像素和基于区域特征加权的融合算法合成得到融合图像的高频系数;为了进一步提升融合图像的整体对比度,提高目标的指示能力,提出通过区域平均梯度特征自适应加权的方法得到融合图像的低频系数;最后,对融合的低频和高频系数进行多尺度逆变换得到融合图像。通过主观观察以及客观指标对比证明,该方法的融合性能优于经典的融合方法。


    Abstract: Aiming to fusion question on the infrared and visible images, a novel effective image fusion method was proposed in this paper. Firstly, the high frequency coefficient after multiscale decomposition was divided into low and high layers, and then, according to the characteristics of each layer, the high frequency coefficient of the fused image was obtained by method based on pixel and method based on feature weighted respectively. Secondly, in order to further enhance the overall contrast of the fused image, and the capabilities of target indication, the low frequency coefficient of the fused image was obtained by adaptive weighted method based on regional average gradient. Finally, the fused image was obtained by inverse multi-scale transformation. The subjective observation and the comparison of the image's objective indexes prove together that the method proposed in this paper is better than the classical methods.


