An all -fiber high power supercontinuum laser source was experimentally reported. An ytterbium-doped ring fiber oscillator was established as the seed source. By utilizing a three-stage master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA), the signal light average power was amplified to 62 W with a central wavelength of 1 065 nm, the 3 dB spectral bandwidth was 15 nm, and the repetition rate was 118 MHz. By coupling the amplified pulsed laser into a piece of photonic crystal fiber(PCF) with a 1 040 nm zerodispersion wavelength, supercontinuum with 28W output average power was obtained, the spectrum range was covering from 600 nm to 1 700 nm, and the optical conversion efficiency is 45%. In this experiment, the coupling problem between large core doped fiber and photonic crystal fiber at high output power was also solved.