室温6.11 mJ脉冲LD单端抽运Tm:YAG调Q激光器
6.11 mJ Q-switched Tm: YAG laser end pumped by pulse laser diode at room temperature
摘要: 由于2m波段激光处于大气的窗口上,并且对人眼安全,因而在测风领域具有潜在的应用价值。该波段的激光器可以作为相干多普勒测风雷达和差分吸收雷达的光源。为了进行相干多普勒测风雷达光源的研究,报道了一种脉冲激光二级管(LD)单端抽运Tm:YAG调Q激光器。在实验中,采用L型平凹腔结构,利用声光Q开关实现大能量的激光输出。该激光器输出的激光中心波长为2 014.9 nm,在重复频率为100 Hz情况下,调Q后获得最大单脉冲能量为6.11 mJ,激光脉冲宽度为324.7 ns,斜率效率为13.56%的激光输出。输出的脉冲激光的光束质量M2在x方向上为1.31,y方向上为1.35。Abstract: The 2 m laser is in the atmosphere window and the eye-safety wavelength regions. Therefore, it is expected to have potential application in wide range of fields. The lasers can be a light source of Coherent Doppler Wind Lidars and Differential Absorption Lidars. In order to develop a laser light source of Coherent Doppler Wind Lidars, a pulse LD end pumped Q-switched Tm:YAG laser was developed by using a plano-concave cavity with a acousto-optical (AO) Q-switch. The center wavelength of the output laser was measured to be 2 014.9 nm. In the repetition frequency of 100 Hz, a maximum single energy of 6.11 mJ after Q-switching operation and the narrowest pulse width of 324.7 ns were achieved at room temperature, whose slop efficiency was 13.56%. The Mx2 was 1.31 and the My2 was 1.35.