Accuracy test of output wavelength of narrow linewidth laser by using F-P cavity to squeeze its linewidth
摘要: 基于谐振式光纤陀螺系统要求窄线宽、高稳定性激光输出以满足谐振信号频差检测要求,设计了两种不同光路锁频系统并搭建了测试平台,利用波长计实时监控窄线宽激光器锁频前后两种状态下波长的变化情况。对方案二设置两种不同的仪器锁频参数,分别对激光器输出波长的锁频精度进行监控分析,得到不同设置参数可导致锁频精度降低1倍。两种方案测试结果均为锁频后的激光波长变化幅度仅为锁频前的0.2倍,且曲线频率变化光滑平缓,很大程度地压窄了窄线宽激光器输出波长变化幅度,波长变化稳定性得到了很大改善,提高了锁定信息反馈的实时性。进一步实施窄线宽激光谱线的压窄以及PI电路对窄线宽激光频率的有效快速跟踪锁定提供技术支撑。Abstract: Resonator fiber gyro system requires narrow linewidth and high stable output. In order to satisfy the testing requirements of frequency deviation of resonant signal, two systems of optical frequency locking were designed and the testing platform was set up. During the experiment, the wavemeter was used to monitor the fluctuation of wavelength before and after lock frequency. For plan two, two different kinds of instrument' frequency locked parameters were set, then the accuracy of locking frequency was monitored and analyzed, it was obtained that the accuracy of locking frequency could reduce 1 times under different parameters. The testing result of two plans were same that the wavelength after locked frequency was 0.2 times than before and the curve was smooth and flat, and the fluctuation of output wavelength of laser was narrowed largely after locked the frequency and the real-time of locked feedback was improved. It provides the technical support for narrowing laser spectrum and track-locking laser frequency by PI circuit.