利用140 GHz雷达实现目标缩比模型的RCS测量与成像

Scale-model targets radar cross section measurement and imaging using 140 GHz monostatic radar

  • 摘要: 构建了140 GHz频段的单基雷达用于缩比模型的高分辨力成像和雷达散射截面积(RCS)测量。雷达的相干收发机用全固态的方式实现,其发射信道采用一个Ka波段频率源驱动的倍频链作为本振,在5 GHz的带宽内实现了0.5 mW的输出功率,接收机采用基于肖特基二极管的次谐波混频器实现相干接收。该雷达RCS测试系统显示出高信噪比的特点,获得了大于100 dB的动态范围和3 cm的成像分辨力。除了可实现对目标的逆合成孔径成像,该系统还可完成对旋转目标全方位角的RCS测量。利用该系统对某航空母舰1/720th模型进行了成像实验和RCS测量,模拟了全尺寸目标在P波段的结果。所获得的数据根据缩比定律可为P-波段雷达设计提供参考。


    Abstract: A monostatic radar at 140 GHz frequency band has been developed for scale-model targets imaging and radar cross section(RCS) measurements. The coherent transceiver using all solid state technique adopts a multiplier chain driving by Ka band source as the transmitter to get an output power of about 0.5 mW in the 5 GHz bandwidth and a Schottky diode subharmonic mixer as the receiver to realize coherent detection. This compact range radar has demonstrated good signal-to-noise obtaining100 dB dynamic range with 3 cm resolution. In addition to inverse synthetic aperture imaging of targets, the system can also measure full angle RCS of selected targets with rotation. Measurements were made on 1/720th scale models of aircraft carrier, simulating P-band frequencies according to scaling laws. The results give some references for the full scale RCS used in P-band radar.


