Celestial technology based guidance design and simulation for cruise missile under small field of view
摘要: 为了提高远程反舰导弹的巡航制导能力,增大有效射程,在对未来海战场特点和相关技术背景进行客观分析的基础上,结合小视场天文导航技术的特点,提出了以天文测角导航技术作为中远程导弹巡航阶段主要制导手段的制导方法,提出了制导角的概念,给出了系统设计,列举了系统的技术优势。制导系统分为三个阶段,即初始参数装订与计算、制导角修正和末制导确认,分别给出了计算公式和相关推导,并用数学计算工具对一个想定情况进行了仿真计算。仿真结果表明,制导角连续可用,系统误差在可控范围之内,系统可以有效进行巡航制导。Abstract: In order to improve the cruising guidance ability of the remote anti-ship missile and to increase the effctive range, based on the objective analysis for the future sea battlefield and the features of the celestial navigation about small field of view, a celestial angle measurement based guidance way was put forward which will serve as the main method for the guidance of remote missile on it's cruise phase, gave out the system analysis for feasibility and listed the superiorities. With the new concept of guidance angle, the guidance system can be divided into three stages, namely initial parameters's binding and calculation, guidance angle's correction and terminal guidance confirmation, their respective calculation formula and related derivation were given, a specific example was used to carry out computer simulation. The simulation results show that guidance system can serve as an effective cruise guidance method, it witnesses a successive guidance angle and a permitted error, which bears important significance for the overal design of modern missile.