段洁, 孙向阳, 安志勇. 光纤耦合技术的星图模拟技术研究[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2014, 43(11): 3592-3596.
引用本文: 段洁, 孙向阳, 安志勇. 光纤耦合技术的星图模拟技术研究[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2014, 43(11): 3592-3596.
Duan Jie, Sun Xiangyang, An Zhiyong. Star charts simulation based on fiber coupling technology[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2014, 43(11): 3592-3596.
Citation: Duan Jie, Sun Xiangyang, An Zhiyong. Star charts simulation based on fiber coupling technology[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2014, 43(11): 3592-3596.


Star charts simulation based on fiber coupling technology

  • 摘要: 针对深空导航敏感器的地面标定对多星等、高星等的技术要求,提出一种基于光纤耦合技术的星图模拟新方法,创新性的运用了OLED面光源和光纤耦合机构配合高精密靶标的技术来模拟星图.结合所设计星图模拟器指标,重点对光纤面光源耦合和OLED面光源亮度双调制技术进行了深入研究,分析了光纤面光源的耦合技术的关键条件,为实现较高的光耦合效率,选择数值孔径为0.6的大芯径聚合物光纤(POF)与自聚焦透镜组成耦合机构,设计结果表明聚光斑100 m,纤芯轴向光能量利用率大于80%;所研究的面光源双调制技术在星等模拟中的设计结果说明:该技术可解决单一的电气灰度调制或空间灰度调制无法实现5~10等星精确模拟的的技术难题.


    Abstract: In order to meet the demands of multi magnitude, high magnitude in calibration on the ground for deep space navigation sensor, a new simulation method using of the OLED and optical fiber coupling mechanism combining with high precision target to simulate the stars innovatively, was given based on optical fiber coupling technique. The light coupling technology using surface light source and fiber and the double modulation technology of OLED were researched deeply after analyzing of designed star charts simulator parameters. To achieve high coupling efficiency, analyzing the key condition of coupling, the coupling mechanism was decided to select the big core diameter POF(NA=0.6) and the self focusing lens. Design result shows that gathering spot diameter100 m, light energy utilization rate of fiber core 80%.The design results of magnitude simulation by the double modulation technology of surface light source shows that the technical problem of accurately simulation of 5-10 magnitude can be solved, but this can not realize only using the single electrical gray modulation or spatial gray scale modulation.


