Luminance fusion of target and background with infrared irradiation
摘要: 从目标和背景亮度对比度的角度出发,构建了红外照射条件下目标和背景的亮度融合模型,得出了亮度融合的条件。针对红外探测中不同组合的目标和背景,探究了红外照射条件下亮度融合的适用对象,并进行了仿真验证。结果发现:通过红外照射的方式实现目标与背景亮度融合的方法,适用于与背景相比具有高发射率的亮目标和低发射率的暗目标,特别地,对于温度与背景相等的目标,实现某波段上与背景亮度融合的辐射照度等于温度为T(T=Tt=Tb)的黑体在该波段上的辐射出射度。最后,通过红外照射系统照射不同组合的目标和背景(亮目标和暗目标),一定程度上实现了中红外波段目标和背景的亮度融合,验证了理论的有效性。Abstract: On the basis of the luminance contrast between target and background, the model of luminance fusion under the condition of infrared irradiation was established and then the condition of luminance fusion was obtained. According to different combinations of target and background in infrared detection, the applicable objects under the condition of infrared irradiation were studied and the conclusion was verified through the simulation of different combinations. The results show that the method of realizing the luminance fusion by infrared irradiation is suitable for bright objects with higher emissivity and dark objects with lower emissivity than background. Especially, when target's temperature is equal to background's, the infrared radiation realizing the luminance fusion on one band is equal to the radiation remittance of blackbody with the same temperature on the same band. In the end, the experiments were carried out with real infrared irradiating system irradiating different combinations of target and background, including bright target and dark target. Experimental results show that the luminance fusion of target and background has been realized on the middle infrared band to a certain extent, illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed method.