
Influences of laser on fiber-optic distributed disturbance sensor based on φ-OTDR

  • 摘要: 基于-OTDR 的分布式光纤扰动传感系统利用一根传感光纤可实现长距离的入侵实时监测。光源作为该系统的关键器件之一,其参数直接影响到系统的监测距离和定位精度等性能指标。文中针对光源参数对系统性能的影响做了理论分析和实验研究。理论分析和仿真表明:增加光源功率、提高脉冲宽度和提高调制周期可提高监测距离;减小脉冲宽度可提高定位精度。在上述分析的基础上,提出了针对不同监测距离的光源参数优选方案,并通过实验验证了理论分析的正确性。


    Abstract: Fiber -optic distributed disturbance sensor based on Phase -sensitive Optical Time -Domain Reflectometry (-OTDR) can achieve real -time intrusion detection on a large scale. As a critical component of the sensor, the parameters of the laser affect the monitoring length and the spatial resolution. In this paper, the theoretical analysis and the experiments about the influences of the laser source on the system was described. The investigation results indicate that the monitoring length increases with the rising of optical power of the laser, the pulse width and the modulation period; the spatial resolution decreases with the decline of pulse width. Based on the above analysis, the preferred selection of the laser parameters with different monitoring length is proposed. The theoretical analysis are proved by the experiments.


