基于逆压电效应的In-line Sagnac反射式光纤电压互感器

Reflective In-line Sagnac interferometer-type fiber optical voltage sensor based on converse piezoelectric effect

  • 摘要: 介绍了一种基于石英晶体逆压电效应的光纤电压互感器(FOVT)。传感头由两段分别缠绕在石英晶体上的等长保偏光纤构成,两段光纤之间90熔接实现两正交偏振模式互补,采用非互易的法拉第旋光器实现In-line Sagnac 反射式干涉仪结构。阐述了其工作原理,借助琼斯矩阵得到其干涉表达式,并推导出检测相位与待测电压成线性关系,结合数字闭环模型计算出互感器变比,并以此为标准衡量互感器测量精度及稳定性。实验结果表明:待测电压大于3000V时,变比的非线性误差小于0.2%。


    Abstract: A reflective Sagnac interferometer-type fiber optical voltage sensor based on the converse piezoelectric effect of quartz crystal was demonstrated. The sensor head consisted of two polarization- maintaining fiber sections with equal length bonded to the circumferential surface of each quartz transducer. The two fiber sections were spliced by 90 to balance differential group delay induced by the intrinsic birefringence. A non-reciprocal faraday rotator was utilized to interrogate the quasi-in-line Sagnac-type reflective interferometer. The principle of the sensor was investigated and the expression of the interference was deduced by using Jones Matrix. The linear relationship between the detectable phase and the voltage to be measured was confirmed by analyzing the mathematic model of sensor head and the scale factor of the sensor was calculated associated with the digital closed-loop model. The experiment shows that the nonlinear error of the scale factor is less than 0.2% when the measured voltage is more than 3 000 V.


