
Polarization orientation calibration of simultaneous imaging polarimeter

  • 摘要: 同时偏振成像探测技术是近年发展起来的新型遥感探测技术,该技术采用分振幅方式,在同一个探测器上同时获得被探测目标0、45、90、135四个偏振方向的偏振强度图。这四个检偏方位受到仪器自身偏振效应、偏振器件误差和膜层的影响会发生偏离,为了保证偏振探测精度,对系统的四个检偏方位采用Equator-Poles 定标和曲线拟合的方法进行校正,两种方法测量结果一致性在0.4%以内。线偏振度实测精度与理论分析精度都在2%以内,这验证了检偏方位校正的有效性。


    Abstract: The Simultaneous Imaging Polarimetry (SIP)is a new type of remote sensing detection technology. The imaging polarimetry architecture refered in the paper is Division of Amplitude, which can simultaneously obtain four polarization intensity images (in the orientation angle of 0,45,90 and 135 degree)of the same target on the same detector. Affected by self -polarization, error of polarization element and coating of the system, the orientation angle of polarization will be deviated. In order to ensure the polarization measurement accuracy, the orientation angle of polarization was calibrated using two methods (Equator-Poles calibration and curve fitting). Results show that the difference between these two methods is less than 0.4%, and degree of linear polarization (DOLP) accuracy of measurement and principle calculation is all within 2%, which prove the effect of the calibration.


