Calibration of IR camera and 3D lidar using thermostat heating hollow net
摘要: 在热像仪与3D 激光雷达组合感知系统上,对基于特征点的配准问题进行了研究遥结合热像仪与3D 激光雷达的工作特性,设计制作了温控镂空发热网配准靶,可同时为热像仪与3D 激光雷达提供特征点遥红外图像特征点使用Harris 角点探测器进行采集曰为减小混合像素和激光点稀疏的影响,对配准靶平面进行了拟合并对点云进行了配准平面符合度检查,确定了深度图边缘曰使用计算角点附近深度边缘均值的方法提取深度特征点坐标,并对坐标进行了修正曰最后使用NMSM-EM 优化方法对配准结果进行了优化遥基于以上研究成果,使组合感知系统能够在微光条件下完成对移动机器人行驶环境的感知遥Abstract: With the integrated perception system of IR camera and 3D lidar, the calibration based on feature point matching was studied and the thermostat heating hollow net was designed to provide feature points. Infrared image feature points were extracted by Harris corner detector. To decrease the influence from mixed pixels, plane fitting of heating net and plane conformity check of laser points on net were used to locate the edges in depth image. Edges'average value at corner was calculated to extract depth feature point. At last, NMSM-EM method was adopted to optimize the result. The research results show that the integrated perception system can accurately perceive mobile robot's running environment in dim light.