
Discussion on retrieval of satellite atmospheric remote sensing by spaceborne lidar

  • 摘要: 卫星激光遥感是继红外、可见和微波之后的一种新型主动探测手段,其数据反演是卫星应用的关键技术和重要环节.卫星激光大气遥感主要有气体成分浓度、气溶胶/云垂直廓线和三维风场等三个应用方向.针对大气CO2和气溶胶/云等要素,分别介绍了天基激光差分吸收和后向散射探测原理,探讨了CO2反演bottom-up算法和气溶胶/云反演层次查找分类算法流程.此外,设计了卫星遥感分级数据产品并给出了反演算法地基和机载验证途径.该研究可服务于激光大气遥感卫星的顶层设计.


    Abstract: Satellite atmospheric remote sensing by spaceborne lidar is a new type of active detection means after infrared, visible and microwave methods and data retrieval is the key technology of satellite applications. The measurement of atmosphere gas concentration, aerosol/cloud profile and three-dimensional wind is main application field of spaceborne lidar remote sensing. For atmospheric CO2 and aerosol/cloud, the space-based laser differential absorption and backscatter detection principle were introduced and the CO2 bottom-up inversion algorithm and aerosol/cloud level lookup and classification inversion algorithm were also explored. In addition, the ground and airborne verification means for satellite remote sensing data products were provided. This work can aid for top-level design of satellite.


