Impulse coupling performance of liquid propellant with ns laser micro ablation
摘要: 激光微推进技术是利用激光与物质相互作用产生的力学效应实现推进的一种新的激光动力的电推进技术。液态工质是激光微推进工质选择的最新热点,其与激光相互作用所形成的冲量耦合特性决定了液态工质激光微推进性能的好坏。利用激光干涉差动测量微小冲量的扭摆装置,以聚叠氮缩水甘油醚(GAP)、单组元凝胶推进剂(单推-3)和甘油为工质,测量注入不同激光能量条件下,所形成的冲量和冲量耦合系数大小,进而针对冲量耦合性能较好的GAP 工质,测量了比冲和烧蚀效率。结果表明:液态GAP 冲量耦合特性较好,冲量耦合系数一般在500 uN/W 以上,最高可达1 493.0 uN/W,但是,比冲和烧蚀效率较低,比冲最高仅为140 s,烧蚀效率为37.6%。Abstract: Laser micro-propulsion is a new laser-powered electric propulsion technology, which uses the mechanical effect generated by laser-matter interaction. Liquid as propellant is the latest points of interest. Impulse coupling characteristics of interaction between liquid and laser decided the merits of propulsive performance. Torsion pendulum device was used to measure the micro-impulse. Monopropellant gel propellant, GAP and glycerol were used as propellant. Impulse and impulse coupling coefficient were measured under different laser energy. GAP obtained higher impulse coupling coefficient and was further studied. The results show that impulse coupling characteristics of GAP are better. Impulse coupling coefficient is generally greater than 500 uN/W, maximum is 1 493.0 uN/W. However, specific impulse and ablation efficiency are relatively low. Maximum specific impulse is 140 s; maximum ablation efficiency is 37.6%.