
Optimal research of aspherical zoom curved compound eye

  • 摘要: 提出了一种新型的非球面变焦距曲面复眼结构。整个结构将曲面基底分为三个类扇形区域,每一区域微透镜阵列能够对一定物距的目标物成像,使得人造复眼在一定范围内实现焦距调节;根据微透镜所处的区域和位置,计算出微透镜的基本尺寸,并对微透镜进行了非球面优化。对所设计的曲面复眼进行了光线追迹,仿真结果表明成像球差降低到初始值的近百分之一,能够实现焦距调节,并解决了每一个微透镜在边缘处的球差问题,极大的提高了成像效果。


    Abstract: A novel aspherical zoom curved compound eye structure was proposed. The curved substrate was segmented into three same sector areas, and the microlens array of every area could image the target object which had a certain distance to the compound eye. So the focal length can be controlled within certain scope. The focal length and the size of microlens were calculated by the area and the position, and the spherical surface of microlens were all optimized into aspheric surface. Finally, from the ray tracing simulated result of the new curved compound eye, the spherical aberration of microlens is decreased to about one percent compared with the initial model, the compound eye can realize focal length regulation and the problem of spherical aberration at the edge can solve effectively. So the performance of imaging is greatly improved.


