基于光子晶体光纤中自相位调制效应的6×40 Gbit/s 全光波长组播实验研究
Demonstration of 6×40 Gbit/s all-optical wavelength multicasting exploiting self-phase modulation in photonic crystal fiber
摘要: 基于非线性效应的全光组播,以其能直接在光域内将信息从单节点路由到多目标节点而受到广泛关注。实验证实了利用色散平坦高非线性光子晶体光纤级联光学滤波器实现全光波长组播的新方案,通过使用窄带光学滤波器次选择自相位调制加宽光谱分量,对速率为40 Gbit/s 的归零信号实现了极性保持、通道间距100 nm 的1 到6 信道全光波长组播。进一步研究了所设计全光波长组播器的动态特性,结果表明,它具有20 nm 的宽带波长调谐范围,同时,对输入信号的光功率波动具有较强的容忍性,系统整体结构简单,在未来透明光子网络中很有应用潜力。Abstract: All-optical multicasting by exploiting various optical nonlinearities has received considerable attention for performing data routing function from a single node to several destinations directly in the optical domain. Based on the self-phase modulation and followed spectral filtering, simultaneous one-to-six channels all-optical wavelength multicasting for a 40 Gbit/s RZ signal with 100 GHz channel spacing in a dispersion flattened highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber was achieved. Dynamic characteristic of proposed wavelength multicasting scheme was further exploited. The results show proposed scheme has wide operating wavelength range and high tolerance to signal power fluctuation.