
Combat operational method of airborne infrared decoy

  • 摘要: 红外诱饵弹是红外对抗中最常用的一种干扰装备,以隐真、示假为目的,起到迷惑和干扰的作用。通过分析红外诱饵弹干扰红外制导导弹的机理,建立了红外诱饵弹的运动模型和辐射模型。根据机载红外诱饵弹干扰存在的不足,综合干扰对象、诱饵投放时机、方向、齐射数量、时间间隔和飞机规避等因素,研究得到红外诱饵弹的作战使用方法。从而为飞机对抗红外制导导弹打击提供理论依据,有助于充分发挥机载红外诱饵弹的作战效能,增强飞机的战场生存力。


    Abstract: Infrared decoy is one of the most common interference equipment in infrared countermeasure, which intends to delude and interfere with infrared guided missile for hiding the truth and giving a false impression. The mechanisms of infrared decoy interfering with infrared guided missile were analyzed. The moving and radiation models of airborne infrared decoy were built. According to the interference shortage of airborne infrared decoy, a combat operational method of infrared decoy was obtained. The method was able to synthetically take into account many factors such as different interfered missiles, dispensing time, dispensing direction, dispensing number, dispensing interval time and fighter's elusion. The combat operational method provides a basis for fighter against infrared guided missile, so that to perform airborne infrared decoy's combat effectiveness completely and enhance fighter combat survivability.


