基于低空图像的Worldview-1 全色波段仿真

Panchromatic image simulation of Worldview based on low-level flight images

  • 摘要: 对地资源探索是遥感技术的追求目标,Worldview-1是高精度商业卫星之一,星下点分辨率为0.5 m。提出一种基于图像的Worldview-1全色波段仿真方法。以低空飞行的可见近红外图像为数据源,利用大气校正或经验线性法进行反射率反演得到地面反射率图;然后经过以下四个步骤:辐射传输模拟、光谱波段匹配、空间分辨率仿真和传感器调制传递函数MTF仿真,仿真出Worldview-1全色波段图像。通过以飞艇为平台的外场试验获取数据,将仿真图像与Worldview-1全色波段图像从相似度及图像纹理参数进行对比,结果显示这种模拟地物、大气、传感器特性的图像仿真方法可以应用于Worldview-1全色波段图像的仿真。


    Abstract: Earth science research and application requirements have often been driven by currently available remote sensing technology. Worldview-1 is the highest-resolution commercial remote sensing satellite now operating, offering panchromatic imagery with 0.5 m resolution at nadir. An image simulation method for Worldview-1 panchromatic band was mentioned. Firstly, the visible and near infrared images obtained by low-level flight were accepted as data resources. After atmospheric correction or empirical linear method the reflectivity of ground could be deduced. Then through four steps simulation: radiative transfer, spectral band synthesis, spatial resolution simulation, modulation transfer function simulation, the panchromatic image of Worldview-1 could be evaluated. Experimentation was carried out to test the method using an airship as platform. Though similarity and texture analysis between simulated image and real Worldview-1 image, the result showed the method that simulated the interactions between parameters of objects, atmosphere and the characteristic of sensor enables one to effectively reproduce the panchromatic image of Worldview-1.


