Study on the problem of weighting for the workspace measuring and positioning system
摘要: 工作空间测量定位系统(workspace Measuring and Positioning System,简称wMPS)是一种基于旋转激光扫描平面定位技术的室内大尺寸定位系统。它可实现计量精度的三维坐标测量,主要应用于制造加工及装配领域。作为一种分布式系统,工作空间测量定位系统也存在着为不同测量节点分配权重的问题。考虑到在定位过程中误差的复杂性,提出一种根据不同测量区域,利用统计数据对不同测量节点动态分配权重的分权方法。为验证此方法,设计了对比实验,实验结果表明:文中提出的加权方法可显著提高工作空间测量定位系统的测量精度。Abstract: The workspace Measuring and Positioning System (wMPS) is an indoor large-scale positioning system based on rotating laser planes. It can provide 3D coordinates with metrological accuracy, applicable in manufacturing and assembly. As a distributed positioning system, the wMPS also has problem with assigning weights to different measuring nodes. Considering the complexity of the error sources in the positioning process, a method which uses statistics to assign different weights to different nodes was proposed according to different measuring areas. To validate the efficacy, the experimental results are presented to show that the proposed approach can improve the measurement accuracy significantly.