
Analysis and compensation for size effect error of laser gyro Strapdown Inertial Navigation System

  • 摘要: 在高动态条件下,加速度计尺寸效应已成为影响激光陀螺捷联惯导系统精度的重要误差源.文中从理论上分析了尺寸效应的产生机理,认为尺寸效应的产生是由于加速度计测量点不一致而引起,分析了激光陀螺机械抖动引起的尺寸效应误差.对加速度计组件在一般安装关系下的尺寸效应误差模型进行了推导.对于加速度计非正交安装情形,在常规静态标定模型基础上,推导了考虑尺寸效应后的动态标定模型.以导航速度为观测量,建立了加计组件尺寸效应误差补偿的一般模型方程.一系列的试验证明,尺寸效应补偿有效地提高了导航精度.


    Abstract: In high dynamic environment,accelerometer size effect becomes a dominant error effect source for accurate navigation of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System(SINS). In this paper, the mechanism of size effect error, which is due to separate acceleration measurement points, was analyzed theoretically as well as size effect error caused by RLG dither. The error model of the accelerometer size effect was derived. Considering the non-orthogonal installation scheme of the accelerometer triad, dynamic calibration model involving size effect compensation was derived. Using the navigation velocity as the observation, a general error equation for the accelerometer triad was established. Through a convenient test scheme, the parameters of the size effect were determined. A series of swaying tests showed that the size effect error compensation could effectively improve the navigation accuracy.


