
Method for relative pose parameters between spacecrafts based on mixing of multi-sensor

  • 摘要: 提出了利用单目视觉与激光测距仪混合的航天器间相对位置和姿态参数测量的解析算法。首先利用四元数测量算法,采用5个非共面特征光点和单目视觉获取航天器间相对位置和姿态参数的解析解,并对解析解进行修正;然后,将上述6D位姿参数与激光测距仪获取的1D距离进行融合,以进一步对6D位姿参数进行修正。最后,通过计算实例对该算法进行数学仿真,仿真结果表明:该算法保证了在相机标定和特征光点提取及匹配较大误差下的位姿参数的估计精度,能够满足航天器相对位姿确定精度和实时计算要求。


    Abstract: By using mixing of monocular vision and laser rangefinder, a closed-form method for relative pose parameters of spacecraft was proposed. Firstly, by using quaternion measurement algorithm, the closed-form method for relative parameters of spacecraft were obtained utilizing five feature optical points and monocular vision, and they were corrected. Secondly, the above 6D pose parameters and 1D distance that obtained by laser rangefinder were fused, so as to correct the 6D pose parameters further. Finally, the solution was validated by using mathematical simulation, and simulation results show that the algorithm guarantees the pose parameters estimation accuracy under the condition of large errors caused by camera calibration and feature optical points extraction and matching. The simulation results also illustrate that the solution can satisfy the demand for the accuracy of relative parameters between spacecrafts and the real-time computation.


