Effect of temperature on airborne imaging spectrometer optical properties
摘要: 为了研究温度对机载成像光谱仪光学性能的影响,分析了机载环境下仪器温度载荷的特点,阐述了温度载荷的作用机理和表现形式,研究了光谱仪的热光学性能。首先,分析了机载环境下温度载荷特点;其次,以最小二乘法和坐标转换法为理论依据,编制了面形误差及刚体位移求解程序,并结合有限元法计算了光机系统在温度载荷作用下各镜面的变形值和刚体位移大小;最后,对变形后的光学系统进行了光线追迹,求解了镜面刚体位移导致的谱线位置变化,研究其谱线漂移特性,并计算了刚体位移对传递函数(MTF)的影响。计算结果表明,10 ℃温度变化范围内,谱线漂移量小于光谱定标精度要求的1/3,不需要再进行光谱定标和光谱修正;系统传递函数也能够满足成像质量要求。这些结论会对仪器研制有很大的工程实用价值。Abstract: In order to study the effect of temperature on airborne imaging spectrometer optical performance, the characteristics of the instrument under temperature load onboard were analyzed, the mechanism and manifestations of temperature load were described, the thermal performance of the spectrometer was studied. Firstly, the characteristics of the temperature load under airborne was analyzed. Secondly, the least squares method and coordinate transformation method were taken as the theoretical basis for the preparation of the surface error and rigid displacement solver, combined with the finite element method to calculate the deformation and rigid body displacement of the mirror of the optical systems at a temperature load. Finally, a ray tracing was used to solve the mirror line position change due to displacement of the rigid body displacement, study its spectral drift, and calculate the effect of the rigid body displacement on the modulation transfer function(MTF). The results show that within the range 10 ℃, line drift is less than 1/3 of the required accuracy of spectral calibration, no further spectral calibration and correction is needed.