蒙皮反射的背景辐射对亚声速飞机红外特征的影响研究(二): 应用
Effect of reflected background radiation by skin on infrared characteristics of subsonic aircraft (II): application
摘要: 采用典型背景下的飞行器红外辐射特征计算模型, 研究了蒙皮反射太阳、大气和地面等背景辐射对亚声速飞机总的红外特征的影响。计算分析了背景辐射对降低发射率的红外抑制效果的影响。结果表明: 太阳辐射对飞机前向探测区域3~5 m波段的红外辐射强度影响最大, 大气和地面辐射对飞机前向和侧向探测区域8~14 m波段的红外辐射影响更明显;探测方位、季节不同, 影响程度也不同;蒙皮反射的背景红外辐射使得降低发射率措施的红外抑制效果降低甚至失效。Abstract: The effect of background radiation, such as the sunshine, the atmosphere and the ground on the total infrared radiation signature of a subsonic aircraft was studied by using the infrared radiation signature computation model under typical background environment. The influence of the background radiation on the infrared suppression of low emissivity was analyzed. The results show that the sunshine radiation has a great effect on the front detection region of the aircraft in the 3-5 m waveband; the atmosphere and ground radiation has a more obvious effect on the front and side detection region of the aircraft in the 8-14 m waveband; the impact is different when the detection orientation and season changes; the infrared radiation suppression effect of low emissivity is reduced or even failed because of the background infrared radiation reflected from the skin.