
Research on column channel gain non-uniformity of simulate detector

  • 摘要: 在理想情况下, 红外探测器的每一列应该具有相同的增益, 如果假设每个像素点对相同的黑体辐射温度响应都相等, 则最终输出的图像应为一幅非常均匀的图像, 但在实际情况中, 由于红外探测器焦平面的制作工艺水平以及焦平面材料组分的缺陷, 每个像素点对黑体辐射的响应不会完全相同, 同时, 每个列方向上通道的增益大小也不会完全相同, 特别是当列与列之间的差异较为明显时。因此, 主要对红外探测器焦平面读出电路中列通道的增益非均匀性情况进行了分析, 根据分析结果推导出模拟探测器列通道增益非均匀性的模型, 并对拟合曲线进行了精度分析。


    Abstract: Assumed that the response to the blackbody radiation of the same temperature are equal for each pixel, each column of the infrared detector should have the same gain. But in practice, due to the defects of the production process and the material components of the focal plane array, the response of each pixel is not identical, meanwhile the channel gain of each column is not the same. The column channel gain non-uniformity of the readout circuit of the IRFPA was mainly studied. A lot of actual data was used for column channel output response curve fitting. Then, according to the data, the model of the polynomial curve simulate detector with column channel gain non-uniformity was deduced, and the precision analysis of the fitting curve was did, where a hypothesis testing method was used to verify whether the polynomial model was fit for the column gain of actual detector in global. Finally, a good simulation to the gain non-uniformity of each column was achieved.


