Analysis and optimization of angle measurement accuracy of strap-down laser semi-active guidance seeker
摘要: 为了降低激光制导武器系统成本并保证打击精度, 设计了全捷联激光制导寻的器, 并对影响打击精度的关键技术指标测角精度进行了研究。首先对影响测角精度的主要因素增益控制进行了分析, 通过对四通道可变增益放大器进行增益标定和最小二乘拟合得到增益控制曲线, 接着讨论了离散量控制下增益补偿的方法及误差, 仿真计算得到不同配置模式下增益补偿前和补偿后的光斑重心计算误差。对全捷联激光制导寻的器进行激光照射测角试验, 结果表明, 增益补偿后能够消除系统误差约5.6 mrad, 在中心线性视场范围内, 测角精度达到2 mrad。该系统满足某机载轻型空地导弹对激光制导寻的器测角精度的要求, 为精确末制导提供保障。Abstract: In order to reduce the cost of the laser guidance weapons system and improve its accuracy, the strap-down laser guided seeker was designed. The precision of angle measurement which affecting the attack precision was studied. First, the method of gain controlling affecting the precision of angle measurement was analyzed. Second, the four channel variable gain amplifier was calibrated and the least squares fitting curve of the gain was got. Then, the method of gain compensation and its error under the discrete control were discussed. Finally, the error of light spot between uncompensated and compensated in different amplified mode by simulation was got. Experimental results indicate that the system error is decreased by 5.6 mrad. The precision of angle measurement reach to 2 mrad in the linear field of view. It can satisfy the system requirements by semi-active laser guidance weapons system.