
Key subjects of UCIR guidance applied on air defence

  • 摘要: 随着半导体工艺的进展,长波非制冷红外成像器件灵敏度得到长足进步,作用距离日益提高,应用逐步成熟,国内外已在空地弹上应用,但在防空弹上未见报道;对于近程防空导弹,由于飞行距离和时间短,非制冷的应用条件基本满足,但对于一些应用上的具体问题需要深入探讨和研究。从空地弹上对非制冷研究,可以总结出非制冷在防空中应用的几个关键问题:首先,由于敏感的波段不一样,因此典型空中目标、天空(地物)背景的长波目标特性对目标的远距离识别和提取有影响,从而影响截获距离;其次,长波非制冷探测器的热时间常数较大,对于机动目标的跟踪有一定的问题,因此应用上可能有限制;并且,在中波段短时间飞行影响很小的头罩气动热问题在长波段可能有较大影响,需要进一步详细研究。若可以很好地解决上述几个问题,相信非制冷红外成像在防空导弹上的应用指日可待。文中对非制冷红外成像制导应用的几个关键问题进行了逐一分析,作为总体牵引研究。


    Abstract: For the recent progress in semiconductor, and the development in sensitivity of uncooled infrared imaging device, uncooled IR seeker is applied on the air- to-surface missile, but none of surface-to-air. Because of its short flying time and a nearer distance, uncooled IR seeker is used on Terminal Defence Misslie. Also there are some practical points needing to be researched in deep. There are some key points on the air-to-surface like anti-aircraft. First of all, the different bands it works lead to a different target or background characteristics, affecting the acquired distance; There is a longer integration time constant of uncooled IR detector compared with the cooled, it is hard to track high maneuvering targets; Finally, the aerodynamic heating on the seeker dome will cause severe thermal radiation effect on the detection system in the aerodynamic thermal environment, because of the long-wave IR band and the long time flying. If such problem can be solved favorably, uncooled IR seeker will be applied quickly on Terminal Defence Misslie, and this research will provide a reference.


