Performance evaluation of full-duplex free space laser communication system based on modulating retro-reflector
摘要: 基于逆向调制反射器(MRR)的空间光通信系统因其结构紧凑、可免去链路一端的捕跟(APT)系统、功耗低等优点,是空间光通信系统研究热点之一。提出采用双波长激光发射实现全双工逆向调制回复空间光通信结构,并基于该结构对强度调制解调模式,通信距离为300 km,通信速率为1 GHz下的地面站对近地小卫星全双工通信链路进行了链路计算及通信误码率的分析。当MRR端口径为0.1 m时,通信链路余量大于5 dB,通信误码率优于10-15,满足通信链路的要求。并进一步分析了仿真结果存在的缺陷。结果表明所提出的空间光通信结构在小卫星对地面站全双工激光通信是可行的,是未来空间光通信系统发展趋势之一。Abstract: Free space optical communication based on modulating retro-reflector(MRR) is research hotspots of future wireless optical communication because of less power, compact structure and without Acquisition, Pointing and Tracking (APT) requirement at system based on MRR. Full-duplex free space laser communication system based on MRR and double-wavelength laser is proposed. The link budget between small satellite under low orbit and ground station and bit error rate(BER) of optical communication are calculated when Communication distance and rate are 300 km and 1 GHz. It can be found that the link budge is more than 5 dB, and BER is less than 10-15. The results show that the budge and BER meet the communication requirement. Then limitation of the emulation is also analyzed. In conclusion, the proposed system can be used between light-weight full-duplex laser communication of small satellite under low orbit and ground station. It may be one of the future development trends of space optical communication system.