
Super-resolving quantum LADAR with odd coherent superposition states sources at shot noise limit

  • 摘要: 研究了基于奇相干叠加态的超分辨量子激光雷达方案。根据量子光学理论,分别推导了基于传统的强度差探测,量子信息中的投影测量和奇偶光子数分辨探测方式的输出信号的表达式并进行了分析和讨论。通过以上的分析和讨论,重点研究了奇偶光子数分辨探测方法。同时借助数值计算展示了基于奇相干态联合奇偶光子数分辨探测的超分辨率激光雷达的两种超分辨率特征,即窄峰型和多重窄峰型的干涉条纹。最后,从模型本身出发解释了多重窄峰型超分辨的物理机理。


    Abstract: A super-resolving quantum LADAR scheme based on odd coherent superposition states of light was studied. According to the theory of quantum optics, the output signal of traditional intensity detection, projection measurement and parity detection schemes were widely investigated and analyzed. Based on above analysis, the parity photon number resolved scheme was especially investigated. Meanwhile, the numerical results show two super-resolving features, i.e., multiple narrow peaks and well-define narrow peaks. Finally, the lowdown of the first super-resolving power of the odd coherent superposition states were analyzed and discussed in detail.


