
Bandgap voltage reference for IRFPA readout integrated circuit

  • 摘要: 提出了一种高精度、低功耗、小面积的电流型CMOS基准电压源以满足非制冷红外焦平面(IRFPA)读出电路对基准电压源模块的要求。设计中采用两种分别具有正负一阶温度系数的电阻,通过对基准电压源的高阶温度系数进行补偿,获得更好的温度系数TC(Temperature Coefficient)。通过使用共源共栅结构代替传统的运放,节约了传统运放和偏置电路的功耗,并且具有出色的电源电压抑制比PSRR(Power Supply Reject Ratio)。该设计使用标准0.18 m CMOS工艺实现,工作电压3.3 V,-40~120 ℃温度范围内,输出基准电压温度系数约为3.7 ppm/℃,PSRR约为-78 dB@1 kHz,在25 ℃时消耗电流6.3 A,消耗芯片面积仅230 m100 m,所提出的电路是一种低功耗、节约面积的设计。


    Abstract: A novel high precision, low power and area economic current mode complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) bandgap voltage reference used in uncooled infrared focal plane array (IRFPA) systems was presented in this work. The proposed BGR contained two type of resistors with the opposite temperature coefficients(TCs), which could compensate the BGR's high order curvature error and obtain better TC. This paper illustrated a cascaded structure without a traditional op-amp, achieving low power consumption as well as excellent power supply reject ratio(PSRR). This circuit was implemented in a standard 0.18 m CMOS process. The simulation results have confirmed that the proposed BGR operates with a supply voltage of 3.3 V, consuming 6.3 A at room temperature, and the output voltage reference temperature coefficient is about 3.7 ppm/℃ from -40 ℃ to 120 ℃. The BGR can achieve a PSRR about -78 dB@ 1 kHz, consuming only 230 m100 m chip area. This proposed BGR is a low-power and area economic design.


