A Nd:YVO4 laser end-pumped by laser diode was designed, when the repetition frequency of acousto-optical Q-switch was 50 kHz, LD pump power was 50 W, the output power of 26.37 W and pulse width of 26.28 ns was obtained. And with this arrangements, by pumping external cavity OPO with bonding KTP crystal, when the LD pump current was 24 W, corresponding to the 1 064 nm laser power of 7.36 W, the wavelength of 2.174 m pulse laser was achieved, the average power was 324 mW and pulse width was 17.8 ns. Meanwhile, the laser output power and pulse width of 1.064 m and 2.1 m under different output transmission and repetition frequency was analyzed in experiment. At last, by comparing the calculated date and measured date in experiment, the results show that the measured date is consistent with the calculated date, and the output power is not saturated.