
Hardware implementation of stripe non-uniformity correction method for infrared focal plane arrays

  • 摘要: 红外焦平面阵列条带状非均匀性严重影响了其成像质量,大大限制了它的应用。实现了一种基于FPGA的红外焦平面阵列条带状非均匀性实时校正系统,该系统以中值红外均衡算法为核心,针对算法以及FPGA的特性进行了优化,单帧内可进行条带状非均匀性的校正,硬件仿真结果表明:处理效果显著。系统处理速度快、资源占用量小,可以作为一个独立模块嵌入到红外焦平面成像与处理系统中,实现条带状非均匀性的实时校正,有很高的实用性与可扩展性。


    Abstract: The stripe non-uniformity of infrared focal plane array strongly impact the image quality, thus the application of infrared focal plane array is strongly restricted. A real-time FPGA-based system for correcting the stripe non-uniformity was proposed. The system was based on Midway Infrared Equalization method and it could execute the correction in a single frame. Simulation results have demonstrated its efficiency and effectiveness in correcting the stripe non-uniformity. System architecture was optimized for the algorithm so that the system had relatively low FPGA resources consumption and high speed. The system can be embedded into the infrared focal plane array imaging and processing system as an independent module to realize a real-time stripe non-uniformity correction. Due to the previous features, the system has great functionality and extensibility and has a broad prospect in practical application.


