The electrostatic distributions between Micro-channel plate(MCP) and photocathode will affect the movement locus of photogenerated electrons and the proximity image intensifier's performance. However the distributions of electrostatic fields and equipotential lines were complex due to a lot of micro-channel in the micro channel plate. So this paper simulated the electrostatic distribution of MCP input in proximity focusing low-light-level image intensifiers by the finite element simulation analysis software Ansoft Maxwell 3D. How the electrostatic distribution of MCP input were affected by micro-channel diameter, angle of micro-channel, minimum interspacing between micro-channels walls and flaring-condition of the input end of the channel were analyzed according to the simulation result. Meanwhile, the photogenerated electrons' trajectory and image intensifier's resolution affected by the change of electrostatic distribution were discussed. This study will provide a theory foundation for the fabrication of the high quality MCP.