Ultrafast pump-probe detection of X-ray induced transient optical reflectivity changes in GaAs
摘要: 理论估算并实验验证了在X射线脉冲激发下低温砷化镓的光学折射率调制特性。泵浦-探针实验表明,低温砷化镓中存在的高密度复合缺陷大大减小了载流子寿命,使超热电子的弛豫时间小于110-12 s,载流子的复合时间小于 210-12 s,折射率的扰动时间约为210-12 s。通过理论分析,给出了自由载流子和俄歇效应对该弛豫过程的定量估算,与实验结果吻合较好。该研究表明低温生长砷化镓是一种有效的可用于单次瞬态皮秒时间分辨X射线探测的材料。Abstract: The optical index modulation was theoretically estimated and demonstrated under short X-ray excitation in low-temperature-grown GaAs(LT_GaAs). Hot-electron thermalization time 1 ps, carrier recombination time 2 ps and the duration of the index perturbation was determined by the carrier recombination time which was of order -2 ps in LT_GaAs with a high density of recombination defects. Predictions of radiation-induced changed in the optical refractive index were in reasonably good agreement with the limited experimental data available, suggesting that LT_GaAs was a highly promising material for high speed single transient ionizing radiation detector.