Measurement and analysis of atmospheric turbulence nearby lake in Gobi area of Xinjiang
摘要: 利用大气相干长度测量仪和温度脉动仪,在新疆戈壁地区湖面测量了近水面大气湍流强度,将大气折射率结构常数归算到等路径的大气相干长度,进行了比对分析。选择晴好天气,对近水面大气湍流强度进行统计分析,给出了典型的近水面大气湍流强度变化特性。结果显示,秋季晨昏弱湍流时段不明显,持续时间约1 h,日出弱湍流时段主要分布在9:00左右,日落弱湍流时段主要分布在21:00左右;白天强湍流时段持续时间长达6~8 h,主要分布在12:00~20:00;夜间湍流明显强于白天,相对于陆地较为平稳。Abstract: In the Gobi region of Xinjiang, the system of atmospheric coherent lengh measurement and micro-thermal meter were set up in the surface of lake for measuring atmospheric turbulence. The refractive index structure parameter was used to compute the atmospheric coherence length, the distinctness was analyzed also. The result shows that the time-interval of weak atmospheric turbulence is not obvious at sunset and sunrise in the autumn. At sunset, the time-interval of weak atmospheric turbulence mainly distributes about 9:00; at sunrise, the time-interval of weak atmospheric turbulence mainly distributes about 21:00. In the daytime, The time-interval of strong atmospheric turbulence lasts six to eight hours, and mainly distributes from 12:00 to 20:00. The strength of atmospheric turbulence in the nighttime is obvious stronger in the daytime, it is stabler by in the land.