
Space-based optical observation technology of LEO hazard space debris

  • 摘要: 低轨危险空间碎片可对航天器造成灾难性损伤,对空间碎片的远程探测与识别是实施碎片规避和碎片清除任务的基础和前提。但由于该类目标信号微弱、运动速度快、光学特性存在时变和不确定性,因此,对其探测与识别提出了严重挑战。针对远距离危险空间碎片的实时监测、识别、碰撞预警、精确定轨的迫切需求,为给天基载荷发展与设计提供支持,总结了电荷耦合器件、雪崩光电二极管、位置读出光子计数探测器等器件的主要性能,并对基于不同探测器的探测技术用于LEO轨道危险碎片天基光学观测的能力进行了比较分析。


    Abstract: LEO hazard space debris can present catastrophic danger to operational spacecraft, and the detection of the space debris is the first and most important step in the process of collision avoidance and elimination. The object signal of these debris is faint. Besides, its optical character is uncertain and will change momently because of its high velocity and unknown attitude, all of which will bring serious challenge to the detection and identification. For fulfilling the demand of surveillance in real time, identification, collision alarm and accurate orbit ascertain, it needs to design and develop a space-based optical observation system. This article aims at providing a reference to this system, which summarizes the main characters of typical detectors, such as charge-coupled devices, avalanche photodiodes, position readout photon-counting detectors. The observation ability of space-based optical observation system based on these different detectors to LEO hazard space debris was analyzed.


