陈艳菲, 王利恒, 王洪伟. 估算红外成像作用空间分辨率的新方法[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2014, 43(1): 33-38.
引用本文: 陈艳菲, 王利恒, 王洪伟. 估算红外成像作用空间分辨率的新方法[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2014, 43(1): 33-38.
Chen Yanfei, Wang Liheng, Wang Hongwei. New method to estimate IR imaging operating spatial resolution[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2014, 43(1): 33-38.
Citation: Chen Yanfei, Wang Liheng, Wang Hongwei. New method to estimate IR imaging operating spatial resolution[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2014, 43(1): 33-38.


New method to estimate IR imaging operating spatial resolution

  • 摘要: 提出了一种新的基于特征熵的估算红外成像作用空间分辨率的方法,研究红外目标在各分辨等级(发现、识别、确认)所需的红外成像空间分辨率。首先,通过下采样获取各分辨率等级下的目标图像;其次,提取目标的特征(纹理、形状和全局统计特征),并对目标的特征空间进行归一化,得到其特征直方图;然后通过计算其特征熵,度量目标的信息量;最后根据设定的阈值,给出红外目标在不同的识别等级下所需的最低成像分辨率结论,并以计算机仿真红外目标为例进行验证。实验结果表明:文中结论与识别结果较好吻合,能够为红外识别系统的优化设计和分析提供参考依据。


    Abstract: In order to research the desired imaging spatial resolution of IR targets under different discrimination levels, including detection, recognition, and identification, a new method based on feature entropy, which is used to estimate IR imaging operating spatial resolution, was proposed. Firstly, IR target images under different resolution grades were obtained by down sampling. Secondly, IR target features extracted, including texture, shape and global statistical features, were normalized to the corresponding feature spaces to obtain the feature histograms. Thirdly, feature entropies of IR targets were calculated in order to measure the information of targets. Finally, according to the set thresholds, the desired lowest imaging spatial resolutions of IR targets under different discrimination levels were obtained, and taking the computer simulated IR targets for example, the presented method was demonstrated. The experiment results show that the conclusions are in good agreement with identification results, which can provide reference for optimization design and analysis of the infrared recognition system.


