
Scan-retrace scanner model with single-direction rotational motor

  • 摘要: 提出了一种正反向1:2速比扫描模式的单向驱动往复式扫描反射镜模型,通过采用不完全齿轮传动机构和弹簧阻尼元件,在驱动元件不换向的前提下可实现反射镜正反转平稳切换。系统主要依靠弹簧的变形储能实现变速换向,降低了传统直驱式单面扫描反射镜系统换向过程中的驱动力矩输出要求。在正反向匀速扫描行程中,反射镜处于弹簧和驱动元件一对反作用力矩的共同作用下运动,有效消除了齿轮传动间隙,从原理上确保了系统传动精度。与传统直驱式单面扫描反射镜系统相比,该系统的驱动元件无需正反向切换,避免了传统系统因驱动元件频繁换向给电控设计带来的问题,而且降低了系统对驱动元件性能要求,在提高扫描频率方面具更具优势。该模型在轻小化、大行程、高精度光学扫描系统研制方面具有较大的开发应用潜力。


    Abstract: A scan-retrace optical scanner model without rotating direction change of the driving motor, was proposed. The scanner's fly-back angular velocity doubled its scan trip. By utilizing partially-cut gear transmission and spring-damper element, the system could realize stable scanner rotating direction change without the shift of driving motor current direction. Because the energy was mainly provided by the resilient member in the scanner rotating direction changing phase, it meant the driving motor was less demanding in the system than that in the traditional one. The scanner was subject to motor's driving torque and resilient member spring-back torque in scan and retrace trip. This design helped to eliminate gear clearance efficiently and could assure transmission accuracy of the system. Compared with traditional motor directly driving scanning system, rotational driving motor doesn't need current direction shift in this system, thus control system design is simplified, performance of driving motor is decreased and scan rate is improvd. This model plays a good potential solution for the compact, large trip, high precision optical scanning system development.


