
Fabrication of λ/4 wave plate for fiber optic current transducer

  • 摘要: 根据全光纤电流互感器(FOCT)的光路结构及其工作原理,分析了/4波片的制作效果对FOCT的影响,研究了/4波片的制作工艺,得出了影响波片制作效果的主要因素。通过选择合适的材料和工艺方法,获得了性能优异的全光纤/4波片。试验结果表明:该方法制作的波片提高了FOCT的性能,使其满足了0.2 S级测量用电子式电流互感器的准确度要求。


    Abstract: The topology and operational principle of fiber optic current transducer(FOCT) were introduced, and the /4 wave plate affecting the performance of FOCT were analyzed. The fabrication of /4 wave plate was studied and several factors that affect the fabrication were introduced, according to the analysis, the improved /4 wave plate that meet the claims is manufactured by using suitable material and method. The experimental results show that the FOCT's measurement precision is improved by using the improved /4 wave plate, and the FOCT can satisfy the accuracy requirements of the 0.2S class can be satisfied by the FOCT, meeting the requirements of digital substation.


