Tracking performance of gyro-stabilized seeker (following called seeker for short) is a main factor of the guidance precision. To analyze the tracking performance of seeker, seeker's tracking performance index Q was defined. Coupled dynamics model of seeker was established, and transfer functions of the image stabilization and tracking performance and the stability of dynamics model were analyzed. The fundamental reason to the limits of seeker's tracking performance was derived from the point of view of dynamics stability. Seeker's dynamic model was proved correct when compared the Hardware-In-Loops simulation with the mathematical simulation results. In order to reduce boresight and improve tracking performance of seeker, PI compensation was proposed. The simulation results show that boresight can be reduced as well as other performance is not deteriorated by adjusting the proportion and integration parameters. It is discussed further that how to extract line of sight rate when boresight is 0. It can provide guidance to design the dynamics and control system of seeker.