
Overview on system structure of active polarization imaging

  • 摘要: 偏振成像技术是近年来国内外研究的热点,在军事和民用方面都有巨大的应用价值。与被动偏振成像方式相比,主动偏振成像技术弥补了被动成像单纯依靠目标自身辐射或反射成像的不足,大大提高了成像距离和信噪比。引入主动光源,可以根据目标的出射辐射计算其Mueller矩阵,分析目标反射或散射光的强度、相干、消偏振等特性,进而得到目标的自身特性。介绍了近年来主动成像技术的发展;分析了系统结构组成及工作原理;最后给出了几种典型的主动偏振成像系统,并分析了这些系统的优缺点,指出了偏振成像系统的未来发展趋势。


    Abstract: Active polarization imaging technology is a hot research field in recent years both at home and abroad, which has great value in terms of military and civilian aspects. Compared with passive imaging technology, active polarization imaging technology can remedy the deficiencies of imaging completely relying on the radiation or reflection from the target. As a result, the imaging distance and signal to noise ratio of the image can be greatly improved. Besides, by adding a light source with its parameters known, the Muller matrix of the target can be calculated according to the incident light and the output. Furthermore, the characteristics of intensity, coherence and depolarization of the light emitted or reflected from the target can be analyzed. The development of active polarization imaging technology, as well as system structure and principle were introduced. In addition, several typical polarization imaging systems, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, were presented. At the end, the future of active polarization imaging was predicted.


