
Investigation of the operating range for polarized thermal imaging system

  • 摘要: 相比传统热像仪,偏振热成像系统在反伪装方面具有独特优势。在热成像系统前加入偏振片后其作用距离会发生变化,以此为切入点文中深入研究了偏振热成像系统的作用距离。建立了偏振热成像系统的噪声等效温差模型、最小可分辨温差模型和作用距离模型,推导出偏振热成像系统相对非偏振热成像系统的作用距离增益系数,计算分析了偏振热成像系统探测伪装坦克模型时的偏振对比度、辐射对比度和作用距离增益。结果发现探测伪装坦克时,偏振对比度比辐射对比度大得多,而偏振热成像系统的作用距离比不加偏振片时也要大,体现出偏振热成像系统的独特反伪装能力。


    Abstract: The system of polarized thermal imaging is more suitable to anti-camouflage than the classic thermal imager. If a polarizer inserts in front of a thermal imaging system, the system's operating range will be changed which had mainly studied in the paper in detail. Firstly, the NETD, MRTD and operating range of a polarized thermal imaging system were modeled from first principles of infrared physics. Secondly, the coefficient of the operating range gain of the polarized system compared with that unpolarized one was deduced. Lastly, the polarization and radiation contrast between a camouflage tank and grass and the operation range gain of the polarized thermal imaging system were calculated and analyzed. The results show that the polarization contrast is much larger than the radiation contrast. And the operating range of the polarized thermal imaging system is also larger than that of the unpolarized one when detecting a camouflage tank, which reveals the polarized one's better performance.


