
Analysis of safe and precise lunar landing based on lunar elevation data modeling

  • 摘要: 探月工程二期,巡视探测器将在月面着陆,实现真正的月面停留。月面不同区域的着陆安全性研究必不可少。分析了月面高精度数字地形特征和规律,着陆器姿态模型、着陆面包络模型和着陆安全性分析算法。采用蒙特卡罗方法,依据实际月面地形特征、月球坑和石块的统计分布规律,大量仿真生成地形数据,得到各种着陆条件参数下和不同着陆器倾斜角要求下对应的着陆安全概率。仿真实验中不考虑着陆器着陆过程中发动机控制、着陆姿态控制和动力学性能,同组实验中着陆器结构尺寸相同。所建立的算法可实现实时仿真生成着陆区域、设置着陆器结构尺寸和安全参数,可用于地面系统的仿真实验,也可在月面软着陆过程中实时分析选定区域的着陆安全概率。据此得到月球车最佳着陆点以及着陆器最佳着陆面和最佳着陆姿态的选取建议。


    Abstract: In the second phase of Chinas lunar exploration program, an actual landing on the lunar surface will be included, and so greater flexibility with regard to landing locations is one of the many improvements planned. An optimized algorithm based on the Monte Carlo method was proposed to calculate the probability of safe landing under various specified conditions on a large number of different terrains generated in simulation experiments. Topography simulation was based on the actual characteristics of the lunar surface topography and statistical distribution of lunar craters and rocks. The algorithm depended on the lander attitude information and landing plane envelope model. Engine control, attitude control and dynamic property were not considered in simulation experiments. Only under same lander profiles in one group tests, the experimental results were reasonable. The landing territory , lander profile and safety parameters were simulated on computer by this method. It could be applied to bothground simulation experiments and real-ime analyzing possibility of landing safety during soft landing on the lunar surface. These improvements in the descent and landing are essential to the development of a lunar outpost, and also for increasing the number of potentially accessible lunar sortie locations.


